Writing Therapy // Copywriting Service

Kamis, 28 Agustus 2014

Milestones ( except, not really)


Age count : 2.5 years 

- Only willing to wake up to relentless persuasions from the nanny, lasting up to 15 mins.
- When she does wake up, she chirps out a happy Good Morning. 
- Pirouettes with 2 feet like a pro, and ending it with a leg up. 
- Makes up silly song lyrics. All the time.
- Requests songs during car ride.
- Worships the TV.
- Ends her sentences with Singlish 'lah', annoyingly so.
- Still demands to be picked up and carried, EVERYWHERE. She's almost 14 kgs. 
- Favorite exclamations " Oh My God!" or " Oh My!".
- Clingy when she's awake, even more so during bedtime. 
- Still is very fascinated to stories. Considers herself a princess.
- Names animals/ toys " Tickles" when asked.
- Says " Sorry lah" when I'm angry, then pats my back.
- Says " Thank you " sincerely when I hand her things. 
- Says " I love you" and plants a wet kiss on you.

 Baby A

Age count : 5 months

- Only willing to drink or be fed on her terms.
- Smiles generously. #ubercute
- is extremely energetic! Can't stop moving.
- Shows little interest to musics. Premature musical instincts, I hope?
- is a tummy time expert.
- Worships the TV. *groan
- Loves the mirror.
- Prefers to be carried in facing- in position, her head sticking out all over the place.
- Gurgles incessantly.
- Hates sitting lying down, must be sitting up all the time.
- Super cranky if nap time isn't fulfilled.
- Likes to be teased, coos in delight. 
- Screams. Very short temper!
- Thinks her fingers and knuckles are the yummiest food in the world.
- Is just #ubercute.

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My mind rambles on

Hello, I'm a collection of floating words in a blank space written by a person whose life experiences revolve around her hanging out in the internet for too long in a day , family and passion for writing.

Not aiming to entertain, but merely a therapeutic outlet and a self-learning journey as she tries to understand human's pointless existence in this plain old world.

All that aside, I am a highly functioning member of society who pays her monthly tax and contributes to the creative world one
copywriting piece at a time.
Email me : pennapapier@gmail.com

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